

create function parameters php

  function functionName() {
    code to be executed;

  function Greetings() {
    echo "Hello, welcome!";
  Greetings(); #Execute function 

  #Function arguements

  #Function arguements are just like prefixes/suffixes and can have multiple arguements

  function Polygon(str $prefix = penta, str $suffix = gon) {
    echo "$prefix$suffix"

  Polygon("tetra", "gon");
  Polygon(); #Here, we use default value
  Polygon("hexa", "gon");
  Polygon("septa", "gon");

php functions parameters

// functions require 'function' keyword
// separate the parameters with a comma
function addFunction($num1, $num2) {
	$sum = $num1 + $num2;
	echo "Sum of the two numbers is : $sum";

addFunction(1, 2); // echoes: Sum of the two numbers is : 3

Code Example
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Php :: php hello world 
Php :: php convert string to boolean 
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Php :: laravel event generate 
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Php :: array constant in php 
Php :: laravel htaccess 
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Php :: target class admin homecontroller does not exist laravel 8 
Php :: implode array keys in php 
Php :: php strtotime plus 1 day 
Source link
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