

how to check php version in cpanel

# Log into cPanel
# Under General Information on the right panel, click Server Information
# Under the Item column, find PHP Version
# In the Detail column, note the version number

Code Example
Php :: Wonder Gallery WordPress plugin php code to display a gallery 
Php :: search bar php progress 
Php :: why are my css properties not being applied to php file 
Php :: Définir un nombre maximum de mots sur les titres des publications WordPress 
Php :: execute query and use die in php 
Php :: teaching php in interactive mode 
Php :: symony type request 
Php :: array value auto fill in old value laravel 8 
Php :: Php countup from a date 
Php :: php print products with attribute 
Php :: easyadminbundle 4 $this-get(EntityRepository::class) error 
Php :: joomla include jfactory 
Php :: Call to undefined method :last() 
Php :: fixing http error laravel on ubuntu 
Php :: checks whether the session is set or not, if not it will redirect the user to login page. 
Php :: make_dpcust 
Php :: wordpress get_permalink not working 
Php :: drupal 9 custom access checking for routes 
Php :: Dynamic modal name appending in laravel 
Php :: php document append script to head 
Php :: pl sql php connect 
Php :: how to use “find_in_set” in cakephp 3 find method 
Php :: laravel Relations transform 
Php :: CURLAUTH_BEARER cannot find 
Php :: Laravel validation rule for one item which can be email or phone numbe 
Php :: supprimer un cookie avec un input en php 
Php :: php season calculation 
Php :: php only includable file 
Php :: nodejs php 
Php :: just page name in url 
Source link
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