

how to refresh migration in laravel without losing data

"Since you already have data in your tables then instead of rolling back your migrations (which will cause existing data losses) 
you can create new migration files to update your tables. Suppose you have a table users with columns name, email, password. 
You stored data in that table. Then you realized that you also do need to add a new column named mobile_no to your users table. 
To do this you need to create a new migration file. Command will be:"

php artisan make:migration add_mobile_no_columns_to_users_table --table=users
"This way a new migration file will be created. Set your column details there, 
run the migrations using php artisan migrate and that's all. You'll have this new column in your users table without losing previously 
stored data."

how to refresh migration in laravel without losing data

php artisan make:migration add_mobile_no_columns_to_users_table --table=users

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