

how to start composer in laravel project on localhost

php artisan serve
  // The original answer is:
  The full command works like this:

php artisan serve --host=<host IP address> --port=<port to use>

php artisan serve --host= --port=8080

run laravel project on localhost

When you clone the git repo you must follow these steps to run the project:

Create a Database locally
Rename .env.example file to .env inside your project root and fill the database information. (windows won't let you do it, so you have to open your console cd your project root directory and run mv .env.example .env )
Open the console and cd your project root directory
Run composer install
Run php artisan key:generate
Run php artisan migrate
Run php artisan db:seed to run seeders, if any.
Run php artisan serve
Now, your project will run. Good Luck!!

run laravel project on localhost

When you clone the git repo you must follow these steps to run the project:

Create a Database locally
Rename .env.example file to .env inside your project root and fill the database information. (windows won't let you do it, so you have to open your console cd your project root directory and run mv .env.example .env )
Open the console and cd your project root directory
Run composer install
Run php artisan key:generate
Run php artisan migrate
Run php artisan db:seed to run seeders, if any.
Run php artisan serve
Now, your project will run. Good Luck!!

Code Example
Php :: make full laravel model ( with migration, controller and resource ) 
Php :: php string left 10 characters 
Php :: PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ... 
Php :: phpunit assert not false 
Php :: php switch case array 
Php :: php set http status header 
Php :: send email in php 
Php :: Laravel Retrieve All Session Data 
Php :: date time in php 
Php :: laravel dump] 
Php :: Day of Week Using carbon library 
Php :: php check if query succeeded 
Php :: loop through php array 
Php :: check if string contains only whitespace php 
Php :: array helper array_push laravel 
Php :: Call to a member function move() on string 
Php :: replace all occurrence char in string php 
Php :: get only the first two word from a string php 
Php :: php strftime datetime 
Php :: laravel model update table 
Php :: ?? ternary operator in php 
Php :: docker php 7.2 add ext-mongodb 
Php :: woocommerce checkout manager confirm password 
Php :: how to delete empty rows in phpmyadmin 
Php :: laravel where equal 
Php :: php check if multiple inputs are empty 
Php :: accessing json data in php 
Php :: wherein elequent 
Php :: check if array is empty php 
Php :: db transaction laravel 
Source link
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