

laravel model undefined property

add the to the function in the model eg : you can't access $user->photo then create a function inside user model called getImage() then inside the function write return $this->attributes['photo']; then call the $user->getImage() in the controller, everything will work fine

laravel model undefined property

add the to the function in the model eg : you can't access $user->photo then create a function inside user model called getImage() then inside the function write return $this->attributes['photo']; then call the $user->getImage() in the controller, everything will work fine

laravel model undefined property

add the to the function in the model eg : you can't access $user->photo then create a function inside user model called getImage() then inside the function write return $this->attributes['photo']; then call the $user->getImage() in the controller, everything will work fine

laravel model undefined property

add the to the function in the model
  eg : you can't access $user->photo then create a function 
  inside user model called getImage() then inside the function write
  return $this->attributes['photo']; 
  then call the $user->getImage() in the controller, 
  everything will work fine

laravel model undefined property

add the to the function in the model eg : you can't access $user->photo then create a function inside user model called getImage() then inside the function write return $this->attributes['photo']; then call the $user->getImage() in the controller, everything will work fine

Code Example
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