

PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library

If you are a windows user, make sure to uncomment this line in your php.ini 
extension_dir = "ext"

php warning: php startup: unable to load dynamic library

It means there is an extension=... or zend_extension=... line in one of your php configuration files (php.ini, or another close to it) that is trying to load that extension : ixed.5.2.lin

Unfortunately that file or path doesn't exist or the permissions are incorrect.

Try to search in the .ini files that are loaded by PHP (phpinfo() can indicate which ones are) - one of them should try to load that extension.
Either correct the path to the file or comment out the corresponding line.

php startup: unable to load dynamic library

First of all, you must indicate the php extensions folder to you php.ini file.
 Then, put your downloaded dll module file into "some_location" folder.
 Add the code below in php.ini file.
Be sure that your module is for your PHP version.
Restart your server, and check the phpinfo();

php startup: unable to load dynamic library

# Firstly install the mysql lib for php
# Commnad to install it is "apt install php7.0-mysql" (set the version o php to your php version).
# After running that command restart the apache2 server "systemctl restart apache2"

Code Example
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