//here Url is the call word which pass from url
Route::get('Url',[Controller::class ,'FunctionName']);
//from this route you can access function of specific
//controller thourgh specific url route
Route::get('Url/{id}',[Controller::class ,'FunctionName']);
//if you want to pass specific id or any thing thorugh route you
//can use it{id} or{name} or {anything} means anything you want to access
# Defines a route that lists all the users using GET method
Route::get('users', 'UserController@show')->name('users');
# Defines a route that creates user using POST method
Route::post('/users', 'UserController@create');
# Defines a route that update user partially using PATCH method
Route::patch('/users/:id', 'UserController@update');
# Defines a route that deletes user using DELETE method
Route::delete('/users/:id', 'UserController@delete');