

start someones laravel project

 1. composer update --no-scripts  or composer install
 2. php artisan key:generate 
 3. rename example.env to .env
 4. Change database credentials, set debug mode! Change app url
 4. php artisan migrate(make sure u have the database running in the server)
 5. php artisan config:clear
 6. you are good to go!

start someones laravel project

 1. composer update --no-scripts  or composer install
 2. php artisan key:generate 
 3. rename example.env to .env
 4. Change database credentials, set debug mode! Change app url
 4. php artisan migrate(make sure u have the database running in the server)
 5. php artisan config:clear
 6. you are good to go!

Code Example
Php :: wordpress custom post type add post_tag 
Php :: first name of string php 
Php :: laravel update table column 
Php :: get country from ip address 
Php :: laravel get timezone from ip address 
Php :: get month first date and last date in php 
Php :: php get value from url 
Php :: execute specific migration laravel 
Php :: php round to whole number 
Php :: Undefined index: id 
Php :: eloquent with 
Php :: php year from date 
Php :: get month from database php 
Php :: php flatten multidimensional array 
Php :: laravel collection reject 
Php :: remove all sessions in laravel 
Php :: javascript inside php 
Php :: php checking if array is multidimensional or not 
Php :: php oop 
Php :: laravel duplicate row 
Php :: set session in laravel 
Php :: convert date to timestamp in laravel builder 
Php :: how to read data from serial port in php 
Php :: base64 enocode php 
Php :: php remove array element 
Php :: Laravel eloquent get data without duplicates 
Php :: datetime blade laravel 
Php :: Fetch Multiple Rows in PHP 
Php :: contact form 7 remove p 
Php :: php switch case default 
Source link
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