

optimizationed bubble sort optimizationed

arr = [12,1,6,23,234,456,2,35,687,34]
# arry consists of 9 elements

n = len(arr)
#conts the element of the arry 

for j in range(n-1):            #this is for list to get shorted properly && you dont need to go full as it may take more steps to exicute
    for i in range(n-j-1):      #if left with n the there will be array error because it will try to add 1 to n in below leading to array being bigger                                             
        if arr[i]>arr[i+1]:                                         
#       arry starts from last and eventually decrease the number lower and lower which leads to lesser steps
#       #above took 125 steps to eully exicute
#       #this takes 217 steps to run and end code
# for i in range(n):
#     if arr[i]>arr[i+1]:
#         arr[i],arr[i+1]=arr[i+1],arr[i]        
#     else:
#         pass
print("the sorted array is : "arr)

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Source link
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