# Allow a statement to be empty during the code inspection
# avoid an Error to be thrown
#Exemple :
for i in range(10):
pass # this segment do nothing
if(condition): (if this condtion is true)
pass (do not performance any operation)
Statements (So only else will execute when condition false)
def example(): #This would produce a error if we left it.
def example2(): # This would not produce a error
# ---------------------------
# -- Continue, Break, Pass --
# ---------------------------
myNumbers = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 19]
# Continue ==> Skip The ( Specific Element ) And Continue
for numbers in myNumbers :
if numbers == 13 :
print( numbers )
print( "_" * 100 ) # -- Separator --
# Pass ==> Skip Any Program If I Completed Or Not
for numbers in myNumbers :
print( "Here We Have 'pass'." )
print( "_" * 100 ) # -- Separator --
# Break ==> Stop The Function
for numbers in myNumbers:
if numbers == 13:
print( numbers )
# For empty python shtuff, if you don't have the code for funcs (etc) and you don't want to have the indented block error, you can use this.
def helloooo():
# Works perfectly!
#Pass is plug for your for your constructions
#You can use it to get rid of the compiler error about empty constructions
def SomeFunction():
#this function do nothing
# Pass it's used when need have something to fill something an not implemented
# function...
def notImplementedFunction():
def myEmptyFunc():
# do nothing
myEmptyFunc() # nothing happens
## Without the pass keyword
# File "<stdin>", line 3
# IndentationError: expected an indented block
# pass in python is basically a placeholder thing to put in empty functions/classes
# example
def whatever():
class whatever():
Is a null statement for classes and functions
'''pass is just a placeholder for
functionality to be added later.'''
sequence = {'p', 'a', 's', 's'}
for val in sequence: