

calculating expressions with sqrt signs

import re
import math

def replace(expression):
    # Replace the sqrt symbol with the sqrt funcion from the math module
    return eval(re.sub(r'√(d+)', r'math.sqrt(1)', expression))
print(replace("√100"))                  # 10.0
print(replace("√25 + √36"))             # 11.0
print(replace("2+346-677*78/6+√567+7")) # -8422.188238200419

calculating expressions with sqrt signs

import re
import math

def replace(expression):
    # Replace the sqrt symbol with the sqrt funcion from the math module
    return eval(re.sub(r'√(d+)', r'math.sqrt(1)', expression))
print(replace("√100"))                  # 10.0
print(replace("√25 + √36"))             # 11.0
print(replace("2+346-677*78/6+√567+7")) # -8422.188238200419

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