#preinstalled package
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
#you can get a visualization of your code at python tutor
#below there is a function that is suppossed to mutate a list
#and multiply it by 2
#using pythontutor.com copy the code below into python tutor, then follow steps
#step 1: click visualize execution
#step 2: hit next for each line of code and find the problem
#step 3: click on the line with the problem code to add a break point.
#step 4: hit next, or click the red line on the bar
#step 5: fix the code, comment and thank if this helps!
def mutate(a_list):
b_list = []
for item in a_list:
new_item = item * 2