

decimal places django template

{{ price_a|floatformat:2 }}

Code Example
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Python :: how to estimate process timing python 
Python :: python make txt file 
Python :: create a relu function in python 
Python :: how to separate year from datetime column in python 
Python :: classification report scikit 
Python :: how to get just the filename in python 
Python :: how to set the current working directory in python 
Python :: python requests set user agent 
Python :: numpy development 
Python :: FutureWarning: Input image dtype is bool. Interpolation is not defined with bool data type. Please set order to 0 or explicitly cast input image to another data type. Starting from version 0.19 a ValueError will be raised instead of this warning. 
Python :: images from opencv displayed in blue 
Python :: tf 1 compatible colab 
Python :: adding whitenoise to middleware in django 
Python :: python dictionary sort in descending order 
Python :: flask secret key generator 
Python :: tick labels vertical matplotlib 
Python :: python sort dictionary alphabetically by key 
Python :: python join array of ints 
Python :: How to fix snap "pycharm-community" has "install-snap" change in progress 
Python :: how to install pygame in python 3.8 
Python :: pandas group by month 
Python :: connect postgresql with python sqlalchemy 
Python :: python datetime now only hour and minute 
Python :: matplotlib add space between subplots 
Python :: celsius to fahrenheit in python 
Python :: record video with python 
Python :: code for showing contents of a file and printing it in python 
Python :: pandas convert to 2 digits decimal 
Python :: python what does yield do 
Source link
2+9 =