

enable time layer arcpy

import arcpy, os

# Setup output location and overwrite status
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
path = r"C:ProjectsTimeShips"
output_GDB = os.path.join(path, "Ships.gdb")

# Get time information from a layer in a layer file    
lyrFile =, "ShipPositions.lyrx"))
lyr = lyrFile.listLayers()[0]
lyrTime = lyr.time

# Set the time for which you want to select features in the time-enabled layer
fromTimeSelection = datetime.datetime(1776, 1, 1)
toTimeSelection = datetime.datetime(1777, 1, 1)

# Get the start and end time of the time enabled layer and its time field
startTime = lyrTime.startTime
endTime = lyrTime.endTime
timeField = lyrTime.startTimeField

# Check to see if the time for which you want to select features lies within the start and end time of the time enabled layer
if (fromTimeSelection < startTime or toTimeSelection > endTime):
    print("The time specified for selecting features is not within the time extent of the layer")
    # Formulate the time query
    timeQuery = f"{timeField} >= timestamp '{fromTimeSelection}' And 
                  {timeField} < timestamp '{toTimeSelection}'"
    # Process: Feature Class to Feature Class
    arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(lyr, output_GDB, "Ships_1776", timeQuery, "", "")

# Add the new layer to a map and enable time
p =, "ships.aprx"))
lyt = p.listLayouts('Ships')[0]
mf = lyt.listElements('MAPFRAME_ELEMENT', 'NoTimeMF')[0]
m =
m.addDataFromPath(os.path.join(output_GDB, "Ships_1776"))
l = m.listLayers("Ships_1776")[0]
mt = mf.time
mt.isTimeEnabled = True

# Save a copy of the project
p.saveACopy(os.path.join(path, "ships2.aprx"))

Code Example
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