

how to detect if a key is pressed

class WatchedKey:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key
        self.down = False
        turtle.onkeypress(, key)
        turtle.onkeyrelease(self.release, key)
    def press(self):
        self.down = True
    def release(self):
        self.down = False
# You can now create the watched keys you want to be able to check:
a_key = WatchedKey('a')
b_key = WatchedKey('b')
# and you can check their state by looking at their 'down' attribute
a_currently_pressed = a_key.down

how to detect if a key was press down

import turtle
class WatchedKey:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key
        self.down = False
        turtle.onkeypress(, key)
        turtle.onkeyrelease(self.release, key)
    def press(self):
        self.down = True
    def release(self):
        self.down = False
# You can now create the watched keys you want to be able to check:
a_key = WatchedKey('a')
b_key = WatchedKey('b')
# and you can check their state by looking at their 'down' attribute
a_currently_pressed = a_key.down

Code Example
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