

How to efficiently find the first index in an array of distinct numbers that is equal to the value at that index?

This implementation demonstrates how 
to efficiently find the first index 
in a sorted array of distinct numbers that
is equal to the value at that index.

array = [-5, -3, 0, 3, 4, 5, 9]
First idx matching value is 3 as 
array[3] = 3
Let n the size of the input sorted array
of distinct values.

Time complexity: O(nlog2(n))
Space complexity: O(1)
from turtle import left

def index_equal_value(array):
    left_idx = 0
    right_idx = len(array) - 1

    while left_idx <= right_idx:
        middle_idx = left_idx + (right_idx-left_idx)//2
        middle_value = array[middle_idx]

        if middle_value < middle_idx:
            # Focus on later half of the array
            left_idx = middle_idx + 1
        elif middle_value == middle_idx and middle_idx == 0:
            return middle_idx
        elif middle_idx == middle_idx and array[middle_idx-1] < middle_idx-1:
            return middle_idx
            # Focus on left hand side of the array
            right_idx = middle_idx-1
    return -1

print(index_equal_value([-5, -3, 0, 3, 4, 5, 9]))  # 3

Code Example
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