

import class from another file python

from <file that has the class in> import <the class name you want to import>

# Or do this if you want to import everything inside one file
from <file that has the class in> import *

import class from another file python

#from your main script

from folder.file import Klasa


from folder import file
k = file.Klasa()


import folder.file as myModule
k = myModule.Klasa()

Code Example
Python :: python squared math function 
Python :: distance of a point from a line python 
Python :: how to reference variable in another file python 
Python :: python how to make a movement controler 
Python :: BURGERS2 solution 
Python :: prime numbers python 
Python :: even numbers in python 
Python :: read part of file pandas 
Python :: stutter function in python 
Python :: how to declare a class in python 
Python :: python dictionary sort by value then alphabetically 
Python :: make a label using tkinter in python 
Python :: sql like equivalent in python 
Python :: update python 3.9 
Python :: python csv reader cast to float 
Python :: access myultiple dict values with list pythojn 
Python :: delete outliers in pandas 
Python :: Using a list with index and column names to Convert List to Dataframe 
Python :: odoo order by xml rpc 
Python :: python number of elements in list of lists 
Python :: bubble sort with code optimization 
Python :: RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration 
Python :: python flask api 
Python :: python how to draw a circle 
Python :: puppy and sum codechef solution 
Python :: if string in list python 
Python :: check type of variable in python 
Python :: remote python running line by line visual code 
Python :: code coverage pytest as html 
Python :: how to install os module in python 
Source link
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