# Python3 program to merge sort of linked list
# create Node using class Node.
class Node:
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
self.next = None
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
# push new value to linked list
# using append method
def append(self, new_value):
# Allocate new node
new_node = Node(new_value)
# if head is None, initialize it to new node
if self.head is None:
self.head = new_node
curr_node = self.head
while curr_node.next is not None:
curr_node = curr_node.next
# Append the new node at the end
# of the linked list
curr_node.next = new_node
def sortedMerge(self, a, b):
result = None
# Base cases
if a == None:
return b
if b == None:
return a
# pick either a or b and recur..
if a.data <= b.data:
result = a
result.next = self.sortedMerge(a.next, b)
result = b
result.next = self.sortedMerge(a, b.next)
return result
def mergeSort(self, h):
# Base case if head is None
if h == None or h.next == None:
return h
# get the middle of the list
middle = self.getMiddle(h)
nexttomiddle = middle.next
# set the next of middle node to None
middle.next = None
# Apply mergeSort on left list
left = self.mergeSort(h)
# Apply mergeSort on right list
right = self.mergeSort(nexttomiddle)
# Merge the left and right lists
sortedlist = self.sortedMerge(left, right)
return sortedlist
# Utility function to get the middle
# of the linked list
def getMiddle(self, head):
if (head == None):
return head
slow = head
fast = head
while (fast.next != None and
fast.next.next != None):
slow = slow.next
fast = fast.next.next
return slow
# Utility function to print the linked list
def printList(head):
if head is None:
print(' ')
curr_node = head
while curr_node:
print(curr_node.data, end = " ")
curr_node = curr_node.next
print(' ')
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
li = LinkedList()
# Let us create a unsorted linked list
# to test the functions created.
# The list shall be a: 2->3->20->5->10->15
# Apply merge Sort
li.head = li.mergeSort(li.head)
print ("Sorted Linked List is:")
# This code is contributed by Vikas Chitturi
function Node(data) {
this.data = data === undefined ? null : data;
this.next = null;
function sortedMerge(first, second) {
let a = new Node()
const dummy = a
while(first && second ){
if( first.data <second.data){
a.next = first
first = first.next
a.next= second
second= second.next
a= a.next
a.next = second
return dummy.next