

numpy image processing

print('# of dims: ',img.ndim)     # dimension of an image
print('Img shape: ',img.shape)    # shape of an image
print('Dtype: ',img.dtype)
print(img[20, 20])                # pixel value at [R, G, B]
print(img[:, :, 2].min())         # min pixel value at channel B

Code Example
Python :: python override inherited method 
Python :: flatten a list using numpy and itertools 
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Python :: taking str input in python and counting no of it 
Python :: adjoint of 3x3 matrix in python 
Python :: lpython list unino 
Python :: tkintre sub windows 
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Python :: knn compute_distances_no_loop 
Python :: Use one function for the "ComboboxSelected", to read multiple combobox 
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Python :: django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: (1146 
Python :: how to aggregate and add new column 
Python :: Fetch all links from a given webpage 
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Python :: python assert multiple conditions 
Python :: Express + Jade : Ensuring url paths are correct via controllers, orphaned links 
Python :: Like strings (and all other built-in sequence type), lists can be indexed and sliced: 
Python :: list foreach pyhton 
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Python :: send whats app message using python 
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Python :: 0 
Python :: how to add list toa key in ict 
Python :: to expend hidden columns and rows 
Python :: python tuple multiply sequence 
Python :: python syntax error jedi 
Python :: count upercase 
Python :: loop only to the 6th element python 
Source link
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