from pytube import YouTube
from pytube.cli import on_progress
fuchsia = ' 33[38;2;255;00;255m' # color as hex #FF00FF
reset_color = ' 33[39m'
# url is url of youtube video to download.
def download_youtube(url):
""" Instantiates YouTube class and downloads selected video. Uses Built-in
pytube.cli function on_progress to show a DOS style progress bar. """
yt = YouTube(url, on_progress_callback=on_progress)
# following line displays title and number of times video has been viewed.
' + fuchsia + 'Downloading: ', yt.title, '~ viewed', yt.views,
# creates download and downloads to subdirectory called 'downloads'
# displays message verifying download is complete, and resets color scheme
# back to original color scheme.
Finished downloading: {yt.title}' + reset_color)