

python find closest date

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import sys
import time
list_date = [('10/30 04:30 PM', '+1.5 -111', '-1.5 +101'), ('10/30 04:24 PM', '+1.5 -110', '-1.5     +100'), ('10/30 04:21 PM', '+1.5 -111', '-1.5 +101'), ('10/30 04:15 PM', '+1.5 -112', '-1.5 +102'), ('10/30 04:14 PM', '+1.5 -110', '-1.5 +100'), ('10/30 03:57 PM', '+1.5 -111', '-1.5 +101'), ('10/30 03:40 PM', '+1.5 -110', '-1.5 +100'), ('10/30 03:31 PM', '+1.5 -111', '-1.5 +101'), ('10/30 03:30 PM', '+1.5 -109', '-1.5 -101'), ('10/30 03:25 PM', '+1.5 -107', '-1.5 -103'), ('10/30 03:24 PM', '+1.5 -110', '-1.5 +100'), ('10/30 03:23 PM', '+1.5 -108', '-1.5 -102'), ('10/30 03:22 PM', '+1.5 -106', '-1.5 -104'), ('10/30 02:14 PM', '+1.5 -104', '-1.5 -106'), ('10/30 01:41 PM', '+1.5 -105', '-1.5 -105'), ('10/30 01:37 PM', '+1.5 -107', '-1.5 -103'), ('10/30 01:36 PM', '+1.5 -105', '-1.5 -105'), ('10/30 01:06 PM', '+1.5 -103', '-1.5 -107'), ('10/30 12:56 PM', '+2 -111', '-2 +101'), ('10/30 12:53 PM', '+2 -110', '-2 +100'), ('10/30 12:50 PM', '+2 -113', '-2 +103'), ('10/30 12:49 PM', '+2 -112', '-2 +102'), ('10/30 12:46 PM', '+2 -113', '-2 +103'), ('10/30 12:45 PM', '+2 -110', '-2 +100'), ('10/30 12:43 PM', '+2 -108', '-2 -102'), ('10/30 12:38 PM', '+2.5 -116', '-2.5 +106'), ('10/30 12:38 PM', '+2.5 -113', '-2.5 +103'), ('10/30 12:37 PM', '+2.5 -110', '-2.5 +100'), ('10/30 10:30 AM', '+2.5 -105', '-2.5 -105'), ('10/30 10:07 AM', '+3 -113', '-3 +103'), ('10/30 09:55 AM', '+3 -112', '-3 +102'), ('10/30 09:51 AM', '+3 -110', '-3 +100'), ('10/30 09:32 AM', '+3 -109', '-3 -101'), ('10/30 06:04 AM', '+3 -110', '-3 +100'), ('10/30 03:16 AM', '+3 -107', '-3 -103'), ('10/30 03:14 AM', '+3.5 -116', '-3.5 +106'), ('10/30 01:03 AM', '+3.5 -115', '-3.5 +105'), ('10/30 12:17 AM', '+3.5 -110', '-3.5 +100'), ('10/29 08:52 PM', '+3.5 -108', '-3.5 -102'), ('10/29 01:31 PM', '+3.5 -105', '-3.5 -105'), ('10/29 06:48 AM', '+3.5 -110', '-3.5 +100'), ('10/29 06:47 AM', '+3.5 -109', '-3.5 -101'), ('10/29 05:39 AM', '+3.5 -113', '-3.5 +103'), ('10/29 03:34 AM', '+3.5 -108', '-3.5 -102'), ('10/29 12:44 AM', '+3.5 -110', '-3.5 +100'), ('10/29 12:41 AM', '+3.5 -107', '-3.5 -103'), ('10/29 12:40 AM', '+3.5 -105', '-3.5 -105'), ('10/28 12:52 PM', '+4 -105', '-4 -105')]
base_date = "10/29 06:58 AM" // Find closest to This date

def funcfindnearest(list_date, base_date):
    b_d = datetime.strptime(base_date, "%m/%d %I:%M %p")
    def func(x):
       d =  datetime.strptime(x[0], "%m/%d %I:%M %p")
       delta =  d - b_d if d > b_d else timedelta.max
       return delta
    return min(list_date, key = func)

Code Example
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Source link
7+5 =