#This is a code which automates the keyboard
#i've set a delay so it will look human
#before you can run this code you have yo install the pynput library
#you can execute this code in cmd to install it
pip install pynput
#before you run this code make sure you have pip installed
#this is the code
from pynput.keyboard import Controller, Key
import time
keyboard = Controller()
text = input("Your Text:")
repnum = input("How many times do you want to repeat it (please don't put a big number) ?:")
if repnum.isnumeric():
for i in range(int(repnum)):
for char in text:
print("Sorry the value used to repeat is set to a string! please re-run this code and set it to a valid value (integer)")
#i hope i helped some devs out
#sorry for bad code and english im new to using python
#and the my english is bad bcz....... well its bad okay
# To get input from the user in python:
x = input("Optional prompt for input here")