

python messagebox

import ctypes # native module

style = 1
ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, 'Your text', 'Your title', style)

## Styles:
# 0 : OK
# 1 : OK | Cancel
# 2 : Abort | Retry | Ignore
# 3 : Yes | No | Cancel
# 4 : Yes | No
# 5 : Retry | Cancel 
# 6 : Cancel | Try Again | Continue
## To also change icon, add these values to previous number
# 16 : Stop-sign icon
# 32 : Question-mark icon
# 48 : Exclamation-point icon
# 64 : Information-sign icon consisting of an 'i' in a circle

python tkinter messagebox

# We must import messagebox, so we do that
from tkinter import messagebox

#We have 3 options: 
# showinfo - show a dialog with an info icon
# showwarning - show a dialog with a warning icon
# and showerror - show a dialog with a error icon

#every one needs the following inputs:
# title - use a string to make a title for your dialog.
# message - use string to make the message for your dialog

Heres an example using the commands:
showinfo('test info ','test info message')
showwarning('test warning','test warning message')
showerror('test error','test error message')

Code Example
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Source link
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