

python modules

A programmer usually prefer the predefined functions and variables for document,
Modules are collection of several diffrent definitions(functions and variables)
and statements.Or to put simply The files with ".py" appended at the name of the
source code,the user can import that module(files) or specific function fromthat
module into the file.
programmer use the module,complete project in less time and more efficient way.
programmer generally import either the module which user saved with ".py" or can
use some standard module like random,queue,array,math,profile,statistics etc....
just type "help('modules')" and you can see all standard modules in interactive
 Eg--> # here entire math universe will come into the program 
>>> import math
>>> math.cos(60)# math.cos()
>>> math.ceil(6.12)#math.ceil()
>>> math.log2(4)#math.log2()
#but if you want specific built in function then use "from".
 Eg--> # only perticular function will come from the math module.
>>> from math import sqrt,sin
>>> sqrt(9)#math module will be undefine since only function sqrt,sin defined
>>> sin(60)# sin is imported from math and "math." is not required
>>> cos(60)# cos is not part of the built in function that imported from math.
'''Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'cos' is not defined'''
>>> math.cos(60)# this gives error because math has not been imported
'''Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'math' is not defined'''

modules in python

import numpy as np:

modules in python

import pyttsx3 # using ptython  to convert  text to speech 

modules in python

#use import statement to import modules
import random
r = random.randint(1,10)
#use from-import statements to import functions
from random import randint
r = randint(1,10)
#use from module import * statement to import all functions
from random import *
r = randint(1,10)

modules in python

import  pandas as pd:

python modules

# Python program to illustrate
# math module
import math
def Main():
    num = -85
    # fabs is used to get the absolute 
    # value of a decimal
    num = math.fabs(num) 
if __name__=="__main__":

python modules list

Please note that there are many more that I may not have listed
There are also other reasons for using these modules other than the
reasons that I have listed.

import random # Mainly used for random number
import time # Mainly used for time.sleep()
import math # More complex maths
import os # Working with files?
import pygame # Creating windows (games)
import turtle # Creating windows
import re # Regex
import numpy # Dealing with arrays
import socket # Netorking, communicating between computers
import this # Poem
import keyboard # Receiving keyboard inputs
import mouse # Detecting mouse clicks
import webbrowser # Opening websites
import pprint # Formating text
import pyautogui # Automation

# Might add more

Code Example
Python :: pythonanywhere django 
Python :: manual merge sort 
Python :: how to use variable from another function in python 
Python :: del(list) python 
Python :: mod in python 
Python :: get column names and and index dataframe 
Python :: how to add space in python 
Python :: np.random.rand() 
Python :: python youtube downloader (Downloading multiple videos) 
Python :: Python - How To Convert String to ASCII Value 
Python :: download pdf file python 
Python :: python class optional attributes 
Python :: how to count the iteration a list python 
Python :: Print only small Latin letters a found in the given string. 
Python :: custom header footer in odoo 
Python :: python script to execute shell azure cli commands in python 
Python :: how to increment datetime by custom months in python 
Python :: pubmed database python 
Python :: asyncio run in executor 
Python :: tz convert python 
Python :: merge python list items by index one after one 
Python :: how to solve spacy no model en 
Python :: limit entries in dataframe column 
Python :: how to put quotes in string python 
Python :: pandas difference of consecutive values 
Python :: libraries used in ANN with Keras Sequential Model 
Python :: np.apply_along_axis third dimension python 
Python :: create empty polygon python 
Python :: python matrix condensed to square 
Python :: return a tuple c++ python 3 
Source link
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