how to print a float with only 2 digits after decimal in python
#to round floats in Python you can use the "round" function. ex:
tax = 34.4563
tax = round(tax, 2)
#the number 2 at the end is how many digits are rounded.
#the variable "tax" would now be: 34.46
# %x.yf - at least x long space (. and - included) for variable type float (f),
# show y digits after .
print("x = %.2f" % x) #12345.67 <- show 2 digits after .
print("x = %2.2f" % x) #12345.67 <- 12345.67 takses more than 2 spaces
print("x = %10.2f" % x) # 12345.67 <- left 2 blank spaces before the number to match 10 long space
# return float with 3 decimals, use round.
# python formula to convert radians to degrees with formula
value = int(input("Provide radian value: "))
rad_angle = round((value * 180) / 3.14159265, 3)
print("The radian value to degrees is: ", rad_angle)