

convert string to boolean python

def str2bool(v):

   return str(v).lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1")

python string to boolean

print(str(1))  # convert number to string
print(int("1"))  # convert string to int
print(float(1))  # convert int to float
print(list('hello'))  # convert string to list
print(tuple('hello'))  # convert string to tuple
print(list((1, 2, 3)))  # convert tuple to list
print(tuple([1, 2, 3]))  # convert list to tuple
print(bool(1))  # convert a number to boolean
print(bool(0))  # convert a number to boolean
print(bool(""))  # convert a string to boolean
print(bool("data"))  # convert string to boolean
print(bin(10))  # convert an integer to a binary string
print(hex(10))  # convert an integer to a hex string
print(oct(10))  # convert an integer to an octal string

python string to boolean

isTrue = "True" == "True"

Code Example
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Source link
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