

python typeddict

TypeDict allows to declare a structure that maps
the keys of a dictionary to their corresponding 
data types. 
Mypy would issue no error messages when applied 
to the code below. 

from typing import TypedDict

class SalesSummary(TypedDict):
    sales: int
    country: str
    product_codes: list[str]

def get_sales_summary() -> SalesSummary:
    """Return summary for yesterday’s sales."""
    return {
        "sales": 1_000,
        "country": "UK",
        "product_codes": ["SUYDT"],

# Mypy knows that sales variable is an int
# As such, it does not complain when it processes code below
sales_summary = get_sales_summary()
sales = sales_summary["sales"]
print("Sales per hour:", round(sales / 24, 2))

Code Example
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Source link
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