

recursively count string

def length(s): 
   if not s:  # test if there are no more characters in the string
      return 0
   else:  # maintain a count by adding 1 each time you return
          # get all but the first character using a slice
      return 1 + length( s[1:] )

Code Example
Python :: addind scheduling of tasks to pyramid python app 
Python :: prefetched_related django rest framework 
Python :: dict_leys to list 
Python :: Percentage change between the current and the prior element. 
Python :: tensorflow conv2d operation 
Python :: inspect last 5 rows of dataframe 
Python :: left rotation in list 
Python :: creation 2eme fenetre tkinter 
Python :: fibonacci formula python 
Python :: create a fibonacci function using a generator python 
Python :: Can I convert python code to C++? 
Python :: python multiprocessing queu empty error 
Python :: python min function time complexity 
Python :: python for loop start at index with enumerate 
Python :: how to use lambda function in python 
Python :: cross-validation sklearn image classification 
Python :: get node name dynamo revit 
Python :: module level import not at top of file 
Python :: snake game using python 
Python :: inline_ternary(if)_condition 
Python :: python autoLibrary 
Python :: # to check if the list is empty use len(l) or not 
Python :: clear terminal anaconda 
Python :: separating numeric and categorical feature using loop 
Python :: how to make pictures whit python 
Python :: Command to import the Schema interface from voluptuous 
Python :: how to return and use a single object in custom template filters django 
Python :: testing grepper python 
Python :: which can be reversed , string or list? 
Python :: apropos, help 
Source link
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