height = float(input("Your height in metres: "))
weight = int(input("Your weight in kilograms: "))
bmi = round(weight / (height*height) , 1)
if bmi <= 18.5:
print("Your BMI is" , bmi , "which means you are a bit underweight.")
elif bmi > 18.5 and bmi < 25:
print("Your BMI is" , bmi , "which means you are fit and healthy.")
elif bmi > 25 and bmi < 30:
print("Your BMI is" , bmi , "which means you are a bit overweight.")
elif bmi > 30:
print("Your BMI is" , bmi , "which means you are a bit obese.")
print("Invalid Input.")
Hight = float(input("What is Your Hight in m:- "))
weight = float(input("What is your weight in kg:- "))
calculator = weight/Hight ** 2
# asking for input from the users
the_height = float(input("Enter the height in cm: "))
the_weight = float(input("Enter the weight in kg: "))
# defining a function for BMI
the_BMI = the_weight / (the_height/100)**2
# printing the BMI
print("Your Body Mass Index is", the_BMI)
# using the if-elif-else conditions
if the_BMI <= 18.5:
print("Oops! You are underweight.")
elif the_BMI <= 24.9:
print("Awesome! You are healthy.")
elif the_BMI <= 29.9:
the_print("Eee! You are over weight.")
print("Seesh! You are obese.")