

split column in exact spot python

df['Basic Stats'].str[9:13]

0    2010
1    2009
2    2008
3    2007
4    2006
Name: Basic Stats, dtype: object

split column in exact spot python

df["Basic Stats"] = df["Basic Stats"].str.slice(9,13)

  Basic Stats       Min       Max      Mean     Stdev
0        2010  0.336438  0.743478  0.592622  0.052544
1        2009  0.313259  0.678561  0.525667  0.048047
2        2008  0.374522  0.746828  0.583513  0.055989
3        2007 -0.000000  0.749325  0.330068  0.314351
4        2006 -0.000000  0.819288  0.600136  0.170060

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