

track keyboard press pynput

1   from pynput import keyboard
3   def on_press(key):
4        try:
5           print('Key {0} pressed'.format(key.char))
6           #Add your code to drive motor
7       except AttributeError:
8           print('Key {0} pressed'.format(key))
9           #Add Code
10  def on_release(key):
11      print('{0} released'.format(key))
12      #Add your code to stop motor
13      if key == keyboard.Key.esc:
14          # Stop listener
15          # Stop the Robot Code
16          return False
17      if key == keyboard.Key.Qkey:
18          print ("fviokbhvxfb")
20  # Collect events until released
21  with keyboard.Listener(
22          on_press=on_press,
23          on_release=on_release) as listener:
24      listener.join()

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5+7 =