

What is the right way to do such import

from .subfolder_function2 import subfolder_function2

Code Example
Python :: How do I pre-select specific values from a dynamically populated dropdown list for HTML form 
Python :: AJAX/FLASK/JS: How to POST existing array into endpoint 
Python :: How to correctly call url_for and specify path parameters 
Python :: how to map url with usernames prefixed 
Python :: pandas drop zeros from series 
Python :: get type of enum variable python 
Python :: how to make a typing effect in python 
Python :: python compare number with a precision 
Python :: python json string indices must be integersAdd Answer 
Python :: python return inline if 
Python :: install pythong to custom location 
Python :: ring raise an exception 
Python :: qtextedit unicode 
Python :: ring execute the program line by line 
Python :: python list insert out of range 
Python :: purge python3.y from every place in my path 
Python :: OfficeApi 
Python :: instead of: newlist = [] for i in range(1, 100): if i % 2 == 0: newlist.append(i**2) 
Python :: print(1) in python 
Python :: remove inner list from outer list python 
Python :: selenium options to remember user 
Python :: how to resolve This typically means that you attempted to use functionality that needed an active HTTP request. Consult the documentation on testing for information about how to avoid this problem. in thread python 
Python :: how to change text in a canvas tkinter 
Python :: Parallel run of a function with multiple arguments partial 
Python :: show all of a truncated dataframe jupyter" 
Python :: check if a variable is empty python 
Python :: discard method in python 
Python :: how to get key stroke pygame 
Python :: python program to remove comment lines 
Python :: convert to string except missing 
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