


Message passing is a fine way of handling concurrency, but it’s not the only one. 
the mutex is described as guarding the data it holds via the locking system.

Mutexes have a reputation for being difficult to use because you have to remember two rules:

You must attempt to acquire the lock before using the data.
When you’re done with the data that the mutex guards, you must unlock the data so other threads can acquire the lock.

As you might suspect, Mutex<T> is a smart pointer. More accurately, the call to lock returns a smart pointer called MutexGuard, wrapped in a LockResult that we handled with the call to unwrap. The MutexGuard smart pointer implements Deref to point at our inner data; the smart pointer also has a Drop implementation that releases the lock automatically 
(e.g You might have noticed that counter is immutable but we could get a mutable reference to the value inside it;) this means Mutex<T> provides interior mutability, as the Cell family does.
Mutex<T> comes with the risk of creating deadlocks. These occur when an operation needs to lock two resources and two threads have each acquired one of the locks, causing them to wait for each other forever.
The Sync marker trait indicates that it is safe for the type implementing Sync to be referenced from multiple threads. In other words, any type T is Sync if &T (an immutable reference to T) is Send, meaning the reference can be sent safely to another thread. Similar to Send, primitive types are Sync, and types composed entirely of types that are Sync are also Sync.

Code Example
Rust :: Find unique element in array where all other elements occur 3 times, uses boolean logic 
Rust :: armanriazi•rust•concept•jargon 
Rust :: rust compiler error 
Rust :: armanriazi•rust•trait•where 
Rust :: rust find type 
Lua :: roblox studio teleport on collision 
Lua :: lua how to get random object from a table 
Lua :: lerp lua 
Lua :: roblox make region 
Lua :: roblox what is the difference between __index and __newindex 
Lua :: roblox tween color 
Lua :: lua hello world 
Lua :: random brick colour in roblox studio 
Lua :: lua gsub 
Lua :: Startswith function in lua 
Lua :: round to the nearest number lua 
Lua :: lua commenting 
Lua :: lua table to json 
Lua :: FiveM Lua How to create table of all online player id 
Lua :: type lua 
Lua :: init.lua set font 
Lua :: how do i use the love errors module lua assist 
Matlab :: matlab symbolic derivative 
Matlab :: matlab plotting multiple lines on one graph 
Matlab :: cos in scilab 
Basic :: Trollbox 
Elixir :: elixir catch 
Elixir :: elixir strings 
Scala :: scala Datetime parse 
Actionscript :: hello world in actionscript 
Source link
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