

Fish alias

# Basics
alias c "clear"
alias . "cd"
alias .. "cd .."
alias ... "cd ../../"

# Listing
alias ll "exa -l -g --icons"
alias l "exa -g --icons"
alias la "exa -g -a"
alias lla "ll -a"

# Tree view
alias lt "l --tree --level=1"
alias ltt "l --tree --level=2"
alias lttt "l --tree --level=3"

# Filter only dot files
alias dot "l -d .*"
alias dott "l -d .* --tree --level=2"

# Filter by extension
alias js "lt *.js"
alias json "lt *.json"
alias html "lt *.html"

# Filter name
alias flt "l | grep"

# Package manager
alias sp "sudo apt-get install"
alias spu "sudo apt-update"
alias spd "sudo apt-get remove -purge"
alias spc "sudo apt-get clean"

# vim/nvim
alias v "vim"
alias nv "nvim"

# Configs
alias fishconf "nvim ~/.config/fish/"
alias i3conf "nvim ~/.config/i3/config"

# Handling Files and Folders
alias del "rm -rf"

# Git
alias gch "git checkout"
alias gb "git checkout -b"
alias gc "git commit -m"
alias ga "git add ."
alias gms "git checkout master"
alias glist "git branch -l"
alias gi "git init"

add fish alias

vim ~/.config/fish/

# Add alias in

alias c="clear"

add alias fish shell

# Define alias in shell
alias rmi "rm -i"

# Define alias in config file
alias rmi="rm -i"

# This is equivalent to entering the following function:
function rmi
    rm -i $argv

# Then, to save it across terminal sessions:
funcsave rmi

create fish alias

alias rmi="rm -i"

# This is equivalent to entering the following function:
function rmi --wraps rm --description 'alias rmi=rm -i'
    rm -i $argv

# This needs to have the spaces escaped or ""
# will be seen as an argument to "/Applications/Google":
alias chrome='/Applications/Google Chrome banana'

Code Example
Shell :: git push origin cannot be resolved to branch 
Shell :: git interactive rebase 
Shell :: how to create a text file list of the contents of a folder 
Shell :: copy file to server 
Shell :: vim delete word without yank 
Shell :: windows powershell create new file 
Shell :: flask make host public 
Shell :: add line to beginning of file shell script 
Shell :: linux find and rename files with text 
Shell :: mongo shell change db 
Shell :: view memory usage linux 
Shell :: htop ubuntu installation command 
Shell :: search for substring 
Shell :: ssh config file 
Shell :: angular install ngx-bootstrap 
Shell :: how to install node_module 
Shell :: how to start kurento medial server in linux 
Shell :: How do I use combination of head and tail commands in LINUX in order to print few lines of code 
Shell :: Create Remote for Contributing to a GitHub project 
Shell :: Lightweight Javascript DB for use in Node.js 
Shell :: hanselman pretty prompt 
Shell :: cd n directories back 
Shell :: kernel version link 
Shell :: Add Gitbash branch name to powershell 
Shell :: install rubygems version =2.3.0 
Shell :: Show CSF version 
Shell :: how to install wintricks 
Shell :: api to access nexus repository manager 
Shell :: i see my path has a lot of unwanted things. how to reset in command line 
Shell :: gh config ssh protocol 
Source link
4+6 =