# creates gitignore file
$ touch .gitignore
cd c:<your path>
notepad .gitignore
Accept the prompt to create the file, edit the contents accordingly, save and close.
# Automatically create .gitignore file for a project. Copy in your .gitignore file
$ touch .gitignore
cd c:<your path>
notepad .gitignore
#Accept the prompt to create the file, edit the contents accordingly, save and close.
point your browser to
and select all the tools and technologies you are using.
You will automatically have a generated .gitignore file.
echo "function gi() { curl -L -s https://www.gitignore.io/api/$@ ;}" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
# Open git bash in the directory you wanna create .gitignore
# run command:
$ touch .gitignore
# there you go