

debian full install qt5

apt install --reinstall qt5-default qttools5* pyqt5-dev-tools libqt5* python3-pyqt qt5-* qtbase5-* qtcreator build-essential
qtdeclarative5* libqt5webkit5* mesa-common-* libglu1-mesa-*

apt install `apt-cache search 5-examples | grep qt | grep example | awk '{print $1 }' | xargs `
apt install `apt-cache search 5-doc | grep -i "qt 5 " | awk '{print $1}' | xargs`
apt install `apt-cache search qt | grep 5- | grep ^qt | awk '{print $1}' | xargs `
apt install build-essential qtcreator qt5-default

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Source link
5+7 =