


Avoiding the conffile prompt
Every time that dpkg must install a new conffile that you have modified (and a removed file is only a particular case of a modified file in dpkg’s eyes), it will stop the upgrade and wait your answer. This can be particularly annoying for major upgrades. That’s why you can give predefined answers to dpkg with the help of multiple --force-conf* options:

--force-confold: do not modify the current configuration file, the new version is installed with a .dpkg-dist suffix. With this option alone, even configuration files that you have not modified are left untouched. You need to combine it with --force-confdef to let dpkg overwrite configuration files that you have not modified.
--force-confnew: always install the new version of the configuration file, the current version is kept in a file with the .dpkg-old suffix.
--force-confdef: ask dpkg to decide alone when it can and prompt otherwise. This is the default behavior of dpkg and this option is mainly useful in combination with --force-confold.
--force-confmiss: ask dpkg to install the configuration file if it’s currently missing (for example because you have removed the file by mistake).
If you use Apt, you can pass options to dpkg with a command-line like this:

$ apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" dist-upgrade

Code Example
Shell :: the repo coud not download 
Shell :: CentOS Extras aarch64 epel-release-8-8.el8.noarch.rpm 
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Shell :: remove admin group ubuntu 
Shell :: add quotes to column and replace with comma 
Shell :: git branch erstellen 
Shell :: win start posgres 
Shell :: compile asm file from terminal 
Shell :: What software can I Install after a fresh Ubuntu Setup 
Shell :: how to install any software in arch linux with packman 
Shell :: install dynamic library gd2 
Shell :: schedule a job bash 
Shell :: running shell script 
Shell :: how to analyse a git repo 
Shell :: give htdocs sudo permission 
Shell :: mac find command printf 
Shell :: git the .git folder (to manage your local repo cloned many remote repos) 
Shell :: size of repository linux 
Shell :: getAll on channel 
Shell :: HEREDOC script into var 
Shell :: kill a server port in terminal 
Shell :: fsl fslmath mask sphere 
Shell :: files still appear as modified after addition to .gitignore 
Shell :: kde neon linux type 
Shell :: turn on indexing win 11 
Shell :: commit our changes and merge them back into our dev branch. 
Shell :: centos run command in background 
Shell :: open simulation interface 
Shell :: docker compose linux +group_add uid sid 
Shell :: bash find files with word 
Source link
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