

git collab

[Assuming you you have cloned the repo to your desktop, not a fork]

		Get into a branch to work on your stuff 
		-Git checkout -b < new branch>  -or- git checkout <ur branch>
1. git add .  -or- 	git add <file/folder name>
2. git commit –m “...”   (these now saved on ur branch)
3. git checkout master (change over to the master branch)
4. git pull origin master (branch up to date w master)
5. git checkout (get to the branch u were working on)
6. git merge master 
	( if anything different, not your new code but, other stuff 
    … you will have a merge conflict)
	--- > Go into your code and compare your code vs. master 
    	  delete as needed ... both are color coded to compare
          ... save one, delete the other ... your call
7. git add .  (Add the final changes)
8. git commit –m “…”
9. git push origin master
10.  Go into the repo and make a pull request

git collab 1

Stash your local changes:

git stash
Update the branch to the latest code

git pull
Merge your local changes into the latest code:

git stash apply
Add, commit and push your changes

git add
git commit
git push

git collab

[Assuming you you have cloned the repo to your desktop, not a fork]

		Get into a branch to work on your stuff 
		-Git checkout -b < new branch>  -or- git checkout <ur branch>
1. git add .  -or- 	git add <file/folder name>
2. git commit –m “...”   (these now saved on ur branch)
3. git checkout master (change over to the master branch)
4. git pull origin master (branch up to date w master)
5. git checkout (get to the branch u were working on)
6. git merge master 
	( if anything different, not your new code but, other stuff 
    … you will have a merge conflict)
	--- > Go into your code and compare your code vs. master 
    	  delete as needed ... both are color coded to compare
          ... save one, delete the other ... your call
7. git add .  (Add the final changes)
8. git commit –m “…”
9. git push origin master
10.  Go into the repo and make a pull request

git collab 1

Stash your local changes:

git stash
Update the branch to the latest code

git pull
Merge your local changes into the latest code:

git stash apply
Add, commit and push your changes

git add
git commit
git push

Code Example
Shell :: mac error cannot find ghostscript lobraries 
Shell :: how to install or renew https ssl in frappe bench 
Shell :: start docker api 
Shell :: proxmox change lxc name 
Shell :: lst conflit files gt 
Shell :: which email is github using locally 
Shell :: make a question in bash script 
Shell :: ssh key meaning 
Shell :: execute shell command when container is being stopped 
Shell :: how to download octave in ubuntu 
Shell :: ss command in linux 
Shell :: git create branch based on another branch 
Shell :: set upstream git 
Shell :: npm global package not found 
Shell :: gdal_translate kmz transparent nodata 
Shell :: delete .lastupdated maven 
Shell :: shell loop tuple 
Shell :: how to copy one file to multiple directories in linux 
Shell :: crontab error to null 
Shell :: cannot open display: localhost:0.0 
Shell :: git remove before commit 
Shell :: command to change user expiry date 
Shell :: javascript-typescript-Deno CLI 
Shell :: openra ubuntu 
Shell :: ubuntu create ln 
Shell :: grep on result of curl 
Shell :: exec format error heroku dockerfile M1 chip 
Shell :: Command to create a hardlink 
Shell :: force remove any folder windwos 10 command 
Shell :: install ros on docker 
Source link
5+4 =