

git move changes to new branch

git switch -c <new-branch>

git bring your changes to a new branch

git checkout -b <new-branch>
// This will leave your current branch as it is, create and checkout a new branch and keep all your changes. You can then stage changes in files to commit with:

git add <files>
//and commit to your new branch with:

git commit -m "<Brief description of this commit>"

how to move master changes to branch

git checkout -b newfeat master
git rebase --onto working-branch origin/master newfeat
git checkout master
git reset --hard origin/master

At this point you have:
*master pointing to the last pushed commit (origin/master)
*working-branch never changed
*a new newfeat branch that contains all the new commits and is ahead of working-branch.


Code Example
Shell :: find pip install directory 
Shell :: link an existing local git to remote repo 
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Shell :: string to array bash 
Shell :: adb uninstall apk 
Shell :: stop all docker containers 
Shell :: gitlab set global username and password 
Shell :: install docker wsl 
Shell :: git untrack 
Shell :: git push existing repository 
Shell :: bash find full path 
Shell :: shell method 
Shell :: pacman reinstall 
Shell :: install ruby 
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Shell :: debian install postgresql 
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Shell :: What command do you use to pull any changes from the master repository into your local repository? 
Shell :: how to change my git default editor to vs code 
Shell :: change remote origin to fork 
Shell :: yarn add @materialui 
Shell :: gitignore tracked files 
Shell :: how to check the parent branch in git 
Shell :: pip installation directory 
Source link
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