ps -ef| grep <name or substring of the program> #Find the all program threads
kill - 9 <PID> # Kill it immediately (Second column from above command)
ps ux #list the running proccess
kill -9 <PID>
print("Please don't kill people")
kill -9 1234
//where 1234 is process ID and -9 is an option to send a KILL singal
sudo kill <PID>
kill -9 $(lsof -i tcp:8000)
kill -9 3827
kill -9 3919
kill -9 10764
kill -9 11679
ps aux | grep chrome
ps ux # list the running Process with PID
kill xxxx # hear xxxx is the process id
kill -KILL PIDnumber ... for example, kill -KILL 12345
kill <processID>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "cock and balls";
return 0;