

INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package signatures do not match previously installed version; ignoring!

Just run ADB and use the following command:

adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 <package name>

INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package com.*.version signatures do not match previously installed version; ignoring!

cd android &&  ./gradlew clean

npm start -- --reset-cache ( if you are using npm )

react-native run-android

if you are using yarn then after clean run 

yarn android

INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package signatures do not match previously installed version; ignoring!

You need to uninstall previous version from it because you are using a different
signature than the original. If it is not working it might be because it is 
still installed for another user on the device. To completely uninstall, 
go inside emulator

Settings -> Apps -> Hagnostic News -> Options (the three dots on top right) 
-> Uninstall for all users

INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package com.package signatures do not match previously installed version; ignoring!

Just in case if somehow your old application is not removed 100% or its data is not removed.


adb uninstall "com.yourapp.yourapp"

Code Example
Shell :: git pull upstream 
Shell :: a script that compiles a C file but does not link 
Shell :: bash size of array 
Shell :: run google chrome from terminal 
Shell :: PowerShell remove object from array 
Shell :: How to Install Google Chrome on Centos 8 
Shell :: dotnet clean nuget cache 
Shell :: git change remote 
Shell :: matlab on ubuntu 
Shell :: how to copy directory to a ssh server 
Shell :: remove docker compose cluster 
Shell :: push branch to remote 
Shell :: git changes on branch carried over after switching to other branch 
Shell :: how to set up git for github 
Shell :: color table in github readme 
Shell :: select latest file linux 
Shell :: pipe shell output to vim 
Shell :: node install ubuntu 
Shell :: install eclipse in ubuntu 
Shell :: ssh no strict checking 
Shell :: how to install crome linux 
Shell :: kill port 
Shell :: mac terminal delete directory 
Shell :: git cherry pick resolve conflict 
Shell :: delete all local images docker 
Shell :: pause in bash 
Shell :: check if a port is working 
Shell :: install ssl ubuntu 
Shell :: install from tar gz file unix 
Shell :: docker command not available in ubuntu wsl 
Source link
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