

matlab on ubuntu

# Download the installer via (You can possibly get a free version by registering with the email adress of your university)
# Unzip the installer file using this command: (or right click -> extract here)
unzip -X -K -d matlab_2020a_installer
# Open the matalab_2020a_installer folder and open a terminal
# use your terminal as root  using the following command : (required to let MATLAB write in usr directory)
sudo su
# type your password then :
sudo ./install
# Be sure to create a symbolic link, so you can start it using "matlab -desktop", if you forgot this, you can create it manually by doing "sudo ln -s /usr/local/MATLAB/R2020a/bin/matlab /usr/local/bin/matlab"
# Now the MATLAB Installer is on, sign in, follow the steps and choose the product that you need
# src:
# Add a desktop entry
sudo wget -qO /usr/share/icons/matlab.png 
sudo wget -qO /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktop
# src:
# Note: if no symbolic link was made, you can start matlab by doing
cd /usr/local/MATLAB/R2020a/bin
# And from here running
# If this gives a license error, you should do 

Code Example
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Shell :: comment lines in nano 
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Shell :: How to remove one directory owned by a specific user on Linux 
Source link
4+7 =