

ubunut log as root

# for a persistent Root login just type:
sudo -i

ubuntu login as root

# On login screen, press Ctrl + Alt + (F1-F12) to enter terminal mode
# Log in with your normal account in the terminal
# Type this command to temporarily enable the root account and type a password:
sudo passwd root
# Log out of your current account and type "root" to log in as the root
# Once done, you can lock (disable) the root account using this command:
sudo passwd -l root
# It can be done both as the root and your normal account
# You can leave terminal mode using Ctrl + Alt + (F1-F12) (might be different)

Code Example
Shell :: set wsl version to 1 
Shell :: how to generate keystore file for cordova 
Shell :: git restore all 
Shell :: pytest suppress exit code 
Shell :: How to find your ip on debian linux wsl 
Shell :: add image to readme 
Shell :: kill localhost port 
Shell :: node sass generate css 
Shell :: uninstall gem 
Shell :: ubuntu install nvm 
Shell :: .desktop file ubuntu 
Shell :: install-nodejs-and-npm 
Shell :: find pip (s) path 
Shell :: google-chrome in ubuntu 
Shell :: ping: socket: Operation not permitted 
Shell :: command to install PHP on Ubuntu 
Shell :: r installation on ubuntu 
Shell :: install packages from jupyter notebook 
Shell :: helmfile install ubuntu 
Shell :: to import sass files you first need to install node-sass. react 
Shell :: how to check if in which folder are you present in linux 
Shell :: flush dns 
Shell :: git how to undo a pushed commit 
Shell :: How to change DNS on Kali 
Shell :: apt lock 
Shell :: npm default init 
Shell :: debian backports 
Shell :: Show up usb drive in ubuntu if it mounts 
Shell :: ng generate service 
Shell :: check total folder size linux 
Source link
8+1 =