1) sudo apt update
2) sudo apt install unzip
3) unzip yourfilenamehere.zip
Zip-unzip utility:
sudo apt-get install zip unzip
navigate to the place where the zip belongs and,
unzip test.zip, where test.zip is the zip file to extract
apt-get install unzip
unzip file.zip -d destination_folder
unzip zipped_file.zip -d unzipped_directory
// If the source and destination directories are the same, you can simply do:
unzip file.zip
unzip filezip.zip
apt install unzip
unzip gophish*.zip
Ubuntu Unzip Zipped file
mkdir gophish
gunzip test.txt
sudo ./gophish
chmod u+x gophish
mv gophish*.zip gophish
"listen_url": "",
"listen_url": "SERVER_IP:3333",
cd gophish
nano config.json