-- if you want to insert values in all column
-- values must be assigned to that column
INSERT INTO table_name
(value1, value2, value3, ...);
-- ^ ^ ^ ^
-- (column1, column2, column3, ...)
-- the same arrangement
-- sql insert using string format
-- you dont need to do this unless you want to specify what
-- columns you want to insert
String = "INSERT INTO Marcas (yourcolumn) VALUES(if your value is string use 'your string' and if is a number you dont use the '')";
-- exemple:
-- because my idcostumer just allows numbers and that is a text one and i use the ''
-- and i dont use the ''
⬇️ ⬇️
ssql = "INSERT INTO Costumer (idcostumer, costumername) VALUES("textboxidcostumer.Text + ", '" + textboxname.Text + "')";