

job for mariadb.service failed because the control process exited with error code. see "systemctl status mariadb.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

If you dont have any real data in your database then clear all in /var/lib/mysql.

After that try again to run command mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql to initialize database directory.

Code Example
Sql :: SQL Server query to get data for a particular date and time 
Sql :: sqlite 3 mac 
Sql :: temp tables in sql server 
Sql :: oracle show error line number 
Sql :: sql restore database from backup 
Sql :: how to select month from date in sql 
Sql :: mysqli inner join (php) 
Sql :: sql script to remove default from column 
Sql :: How to search for a String in all Columns in all tables in SQL Server Database 
Sql :: sql statement to change a field value 
Sql :: sql get month and year from date 
Sql :: EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found 
Sql :: sql distinct clause 
Sql :: 2nd highest value in sql 
Sql :: delete all duplicate rows keep the latest except for one in mysql 
Sql :: flask connect to mysql 
Sql :: how to convert external table to managed table in hive 
Sql :: oracle db timestamp auto add 
Sql :: sql insert into 
Sql :: SQL Server OPENQUERY WITH result SETS 
Sql :: how to update sql server version 
Sql :: create postgres table 
Sql :: how to select multiple columns from different tables in mysql 
Sql :: missing left parenthesis error in sql 
Sql :: operator in sql 
Sql :: hidden error sql codeigniter 3 
Sql :: find most frequent word in sql server 
Sql :: sqlcmd no headers 
Sql :: insert query in oracle 
Sql :: cql insert 
Source link
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