alter table myTable rename to myTable_old;
create table myTable_master(
forDate date not null,
key2 int not null,
value int not null
) partition by range (forDate);
create function createPartitionIfNotExists(forDate date) returns void
as $body$
declare monthStart date := date_trunc('month', forDate);
declare monthEndExclusive date := monthStart + interval '1 month';
-- We infer the name of the table from the date that it should contain
-- E.g. a date in June 2005 should be int the table mytable_200506:
declare tableName text := 'mytable_' || to_char(forDate, 'YYYYmm');
-- Check if the table we need for the supplied date exists.
-- If it does not exist...:
if to_regclass(tableName) is null then
-- Generate a new table that acts as a partition for mytable:
execute format('create table %I partition of myTable_master for values from (%L) to (%L)', tableName, monthStart, monthEndExclusive);
-- Unfortunatelly Postgres forces us to define index for each table individually:
execute format('create unique index on %I (forDate, key2)', tableName);
end if;
$body$ language plpgsql;
create or replace view myTable as select * from myTable_master;
create or replace rule autoCall_createPartitionIfNotExists as on insert
to myTable
do instead (
select createPartitionIfNotExists(NEW.forDate);
insert into myTable_master (forDate, key2, value) values (NEW.forDate, NEW.key2, NEW.value)
-- Finally copy the data to our new partitioned table
insert into myTable (forDate, key2, value) select * from myTable_old;
-- And get rid of the old table
drop table myTable_old;