

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

/*Check to see if there are any triggers on the table you are trying to execute 
queries against. They can sometimes throw this error as they are trying to 
run the update/select/insert trigger that is on the table.

You can modify your query to disable then enable the trigger if the trigger 
need to be executed for whatever query you are trying to run.*/

ALTER TABLE your_table DISABLE TRIGGER [the_trigger_name]

UPDATE    your_table
SET     Gender = 'Female'
WHERE     (Gender = 'Male')

ALTER TABLE your_table ENABLE TRIGGER [the_trigger_name]

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

select * from dbo.books where isbn IN (select isbn from dbo.lending where (act between @fdate and @tdate) and (stat ='close'))

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. Live data this error in

   (select  TOP 1 [FileName] from [dbo].[APP_FinishProductCompleteForm_Attachment] where [finishProductID]=@FinishProductId and FileType='3' ) FileName3,
    (select TOP 1 [FileName] from [dbo].[APP_FinishProductCompleteForm_Attachment] where [finishProductID]=@FinishProductId and FileType='4' ) FileName4,
    (select TOP 1 [FileName] from [dbo].[APP_FinishProductCompleteForm_Attachment] where [finishProductID]=@FinishProductId and FileType='5' ) FileName5,
    (select TOP 1 [FileName] from [dbo].[APP_FinishProductCompleteForm_Attachment] where [finishProductID]=@FinishProductId and FileType='6' ) FileName6,
    (select TOP 1 [FileName] from [dbo].[APP_FinishProductCompleteForm_Attachment] where [finishProductID]=@FinishProductId and FileType='7' ) FileName7,
    (select TOP 1 finishProductID from [dbo].APP_Raw_Material where [finishProductID]=@FinishProductId ) FinishProductIDRM

Code Example
Sql :: was not locked with LOCK TABLES 
Sql :: cast in sql server 
Sql :: mysql foreign key 
Sql :: get substract count sql 
Sql :: SQL Addition Operator 
Sql :: create database with hyphen sign mysql 
Sql :: mysql write into table 
Sql :: oracle sql procedure return value 
Sql :: Join multiple table by MySQL 
Sql :: how to insert multiple rows in mysql using laravel 
Sql :: mysql run file command 
Sql :: mysql with docker 
Sql :: mysql error 1452 
Sql :: les jointures sql server 
Sql :: sql selet 
Sql :: rename command in sql 
Sql :: what is ssrs and ssis in sql server 
Sql :: select from table and insert into table in sql 
Sql :: postgresql gset 
Sql :: identitye atama yapma SQL 
Sql :: add column to all tables after first column mysql 
Sql :: postgres type equivalent to timespan c# 
Sql :: mssql + bit + in python orm 
Sql :: consulta alias con inner join 
Sql :: TSQL Find csv file in folder 
Sql :: sql database column values restrict 
Sql :: get total and distict row diff in sql 
Sql :: delete in sql 
Sql :: postgres automatic partioning a table 
Sql :: mariadb current date plus 1 day 
Source link
6+1 =