

how to run typescript file

npx ts-node src/foo.ts

how to run ts file

npm install -g ts-node typescript '@types/node'

how ro execute typescript file

tsc <file_name>.ts | node <file_name>.js

how to run typescript file

// First run the below command.
tsc hello.ts //tsc filename.ts  here in the example hello.ts is the file name for typescript.

//After running the above command a javascript file will be generated of same .ts file name.
//To run that file run the below command.
node hello.js

//And you will get your output.

//If you want to change the JS version then the command is.
tsc --target ES6 hello.ts //After this the same procedure as above.

// (For Windows Only ) If you are getting Security policy error then you may enter the command for the same or run the above command in the command prompt.

Code Example
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